Sunday, February 28, 2010

I went shopping in New York....&co.

I know, I know, long time no write. I apologize. However, I have plenty of things to update on, including my venture to New York and Company a couple of weeks ago which is in fact the topic of this post.

First of all, I LOVE New York and Company. I love the clothes like nobody's business, and since I was in need of some office clothes and NY&Co has some good business casual items I decided to venture on over and see what they had to offer.

My impression? WTF?!

Pros: The displays were phenomenal (as always), giving me some great ideas, and the clothes were trendy and classy (as always).

Cons: This is where this particular shopping experience differs from all of the others. I went to try on some (ok, a lot) of clothes. The one thing I hate about this store is that the sizes are in even numbers and sometimes if I pick my size, the clothes still don't fit right, so it's always good to try the things on first (but then again, that's clothes shopping 101). One of the sales reps asked if she could hold a fitting room for me. I let her take my clothes while I shopped around. No problems. I went back in the fitting room when I was done and was asked if I would be interested in opening a NY&Co charge card (I'd save 20%, yadda, yadda, yadda). I respectfully declined. I did my thing, tried on my clothes, and filtered out the good ones and the bad. When I came out I was asked (again) if I would like to open a charge card. Once again, I respectfully declined. As I was walking out I noticed there was a sale on dress pants (buy one get one free). I decided to look some more, found a couple and went back to try them on. I was cringing the entire way there hoping I wouldn't be asked about the stupid charge card...AGAIN. I had a fitting room opened for me, charge card mention-free, and did my thing. When I came out, the same sales rep who had already asked me twice asked me a THIRD time. This is where I really started to get peeved. First of all, if I said no the first two times, I'm not gonna say yes the third. I don't believe in spending more than I have, which takes away my need for a charge card. Quite simply, if I couldn't afford the clothes, I wouldn't be buying them. I found it insulting because I had to wonder if it looked like I just couldn't afford the clothes. I find that extremely offensive. Then, after declining for a third time I went up to the register to pay, where I was pitched to for a FOURTH time. I told the woman, "No" and that I had already been asked three times. She continued to pitch me the same "you'll save 20%!" offer. I told her again "No" but much much much more sternly. Finally, it was dropped.

This experience really discouraged me. I am not interested in being harassed to sign up for a charge card that I don't want. I find it offensive when I'm asked several times because it makes me feel like they are implying I can't pay for the merch. As I said before- if I can't pay for it, I don't buy it. Simple. I don't want the stupid charge card. All I wanted was the clothes. Hassle-free. After that experience I will be staying out of that store for awhile.

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