Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sparkly Vampires

Tonight I decided to cave and watch Twilight. My first impression? It was ok. I thought it was entertaining, but it wasn't the best. There were times that I really was into the whole Bella/Edward thing and caught myself about to swoon over the sparkly vamp, but when I was just about to be pro-Edward, I realized that their relationship was well, possessive, obsessive, and emotionally controlling. I thought the music/artsy style of the movie was pretty good. Over all, though, I didn't see what the hype was all about. The Sookie Stackhouse stories (True Blood) are still by far the best in my opinion. I think they are better quality and they have a better storyline, not to mention they are more traditional. After all, vampires do not come out in the daylight, and they are not sparkly.

First Impression: Not my favorite.

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