Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Day!

Hello everyone! Hope you all have been faring better than I have. I've been sick for the past couple of days (ironic since I posted about the Neti pot, huh?), but I think I'm over it for the most part- thanks to the beloved Neti, a box of tissues, and a cherry flavored zinc supplement called Coldeeze. And that brings me to my next topic:

Coldeeze. Great product. It has kind of a gross cherry flavor, but you can't beat results. Like I stated above, it is basically a zinc supplement made to give your immune system a big boost. They tell you to take it right at the onset of your symptoms (within 24-48 hours). However, I've found that you can pretty well take it whenever during a cold and experience fabulous results. It's a lozenge about the size of a cough drop. I suggest the cherry flavor over the citrus. The citrus is pretty gross from what I remember. I took one today before lunch when I started to feel a little poorly and thought I could use an extra something. I felt great afterward. I highly recommend it.

So all in all between that and the Neti pot, I got through my cold (so far) in record time and without taking any sort of real medication. Yay for natural alternatives!

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