Thursday, February 4, 2010

Broadstreet Market

If you haven't heard by now, the Broadstreet Market in Harrisburg, PA has been closed due to poor inspection ratings. Apparently, a large rodent problem was found.

My take?

I'm happy that action is being taken for the sake of public health, however, if the rumors are correct, I don't support why the inspection was taken in the first place.

Rumor has it that the Mayor of Harrisburg, Linda Thompson, is looking to sell the market. I am TOTALLY against this. The Broadstreet Market is one of the best points of Harrisburg. It is made up of two buildings, one is for food vendors and one is for other vendors (jewelry, clothes, dolls, some produce, baked goods). In the first building, there are all sorts of vendors with all sorts of food- Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, fish, some baked goods in there as well, candy. They have a sit down place in the middle where you can buy your food and eat it there. Essentially it is like a cafeteria. My dad used to (and still does I think) buy fresh fish from there. It is delicious. I remember as a kid going there every Christmas Eve and while my dad would buy fish for the fish fry that night, I would peruse the candy stand and pick out a few things I wanted and my dad would let me get them. I remember usually walking out with a brand new set of waxed lips :).

At any rate, the second building is made up of all sorts of local vendors. They sell jewelry, antiques, produce, baked goods, clothing, etc. Essentially the second building is like a flea market. It is a good way to support the local economy.

The Broadstreet Market has been a defining point of Harrisburg for years, and to have it be sold for some other use is outrageous. Granted, it has gone down a little in recent years, but I think that's all the more reason to use this inspection to clean it up and make it more appetizing for people to come and enjoy what the local vendors have to offer. I hate to see something that is so unique, defining, and generally good about the city get handed off.

My conclusion- If the rumors are correct and Linda Thompson is going to sell the market, I suggest you hit up the Broadstreet Market before it goes up for sale, just to get the experience in, especially if you've never been there before. I know I will once it opens up again.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Here's the link to the article that was the basis of this post:

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