Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pandora's Music Box

In search of some sort of mild entertainment while I was at work, I searched the internet for a good, free music program. I came across Pandora. I'm sure most of you have heard of it. It customizes your music. You type in your favorite artist or song, and it comes up with other artists and songs with similar styles and sounds. There's a thumbs up and thumbs down button that you can click to express your opinion of the song, and only that song. If you like it, it'll find more music like it, and if you don't it'll take the song out of the list that it plays.

My take?

Pros: You can come up with several different stations with different music types on each. I love the songs that it plays. It doesn't just play the hits. It plays any song on any given album. For example, I typed in Jason Mraz. It started off with the hits, but eventually it played songs like "Sleep All Day," which was not a hit on the radio. Definitely a plus.

Cons: It takes awhile before you can listen to it without "thumbs down"-ing everything or anything for that matter. It took a couple of days of harsh criticism before I could listen to it for an hour straight with no complaints. Also, you only get but so many times that you can skip a song, which was a real bummer when I was going through my first couple of days and I hated some of the stuff that it played. When I ran out of skips I was forced to listen to some of the weird music it would play for me. I suppose though that's why they customize it so much, so you don't waste all your skips right away later on.

Over all, I really like the program. It plays music that I actually like and it really mixes things up nicely. Definitely something to keep in mind.

First impression: Pretty swanky

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