Monday, February 1, 2010

Why I'm Starting This...

Hello, everyone!

I wanted to start my first post off by establishing why I am starting this blog and what its contents will be. Below are my reasons:

1) Tweets. I realized about a week ago that there was really no purpose in me using twitter, and most of my posts are about food or some variant of it. Then it hit me (WHAM!)-- I think I'll start a blog about food, and my opinion of some of the things I eat. Plus, maybe it'll get me cooking again ;).

2) Boredom. Quite frankly, I get bored of my life being all about work and relationships. I want something more. I guess take this as my new hobby.

Ok, so I guess those are really my main two reasons. So, what is this going to be about, exactly? Well, I've decided that I'm going to make a blog about my first impressions on (almost) anything new I try- food, clothes, books, articles, music, etc. I love trying new things, so why not share how I feel about them?

Well, I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your feedback! I'd like to hear what your first impressions are too!

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