Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer 2013: Unleashing my Inner-Socialite

The food, the friends, the cocktails- I’m finding that this summer has been all about showing off my inner-extrovert.  Although this typically happens to me during this season, I’ve found this year seems to be inspiring some definitive changes in my life.  Perhaps it’s the realization that I’m one year closer to 30 or maybe it’s the new, more “zen” me that isn’t as attached to her insecurities.  Either way, a layer of my ego has been peeled off and an inner self has emerged—and she is fierce.

From a new hairstyle to new music tastes, to meeting new (and some old) friends, I’m excited to say that I don’t think I’ve found life this intriguing and free in a long time.

I’m very excited to be implementing a new format to this blog that will hopefully keep ya’ll abreast of what’s going on in my life, and will be fun, helpful and (if I’m lucky) thought-provoking. 

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