Saturday, March 2, 2013

Meet my B.F.Fs- Al and Coco

Al Mond and Coco Nut, that is. OK, cheesy, I know (mmm…cheese…).

Well, it’s week five on my metabolic typing/gluten free/candida free diet.  It has been a struggle, although I don’t have nearly as many of the “OMG I CAN’T ANYTHING! WHAT CAN EAT?!” freak out moments as I used to.  I also am noticing how much I don’t miss a lot of fruits, vegetables, and candies that I thought I couldn’t live without.  So, what am I trying to say? It’s getting easier.

Two things that have been my crutches in this diet are almonds and coconuts.  Seriously, I never realized how many things you can make out of both of these things. Flours, oils, milks, not to mention the regular nut or fruit. And the best part? They are extremely healthy for you!

I do stick with my original consensus, though, that the path towards better health is not for those weak in will and determination. There are a lot of moments (often on Fridays after my consulting sessions….) where I feel like I can’t do this or it’s just too hard.  Often times I think to myself, “I gave up all of this stuff and now there’s MORE?!” I’m starting to get the hint that there’s ALWAYS more—more limitations, more things to be careful of, more things to take, etc.  I’m starting to reach the point of wondering how far I want to take this path, and I think that’s key.  My advice to anyone looking to get healthier is to set a goal and then take it from there.

The great thing about this change in diet is that a lot of persistent health problems no matter how minute they are or I thought they were, are starting to surface and become more obvious, especially since other more temporary issues are starting to go away and get healed. I say this is great because now I can start to see what real damage has been done to my health, which ties into my personal goals.  Originally, I just wanted to eat healthier and have a better diet, but with more problems starting to become obvious, my goals are starting to change a little bit. I want to get to know why my body is reacting in certain ways.  The key here is to be flexible and remember the Buddhist teaching- the only thing that is permanent is impermanence. I also like to remember that just because I deny something to be true or deny that something is happening, it doesn’t mean that it’s not happening. I’d rather just admit it and fix it.  Ignorance doesn’t do anyone any good ever.

It’s funny.  Six weeks ago I would have told you that I was healthy and perfectly fine.  I still consider myself healthy, but now I know that there are kinks to work out. There are ALWAYS kinks to work out.
This week is all about increasing my fat intake (again…I just can’t seem to get used to that…) and starting to take some supplements that will hopefully further put my body back into balance.

I can’t stress enough to those looking to invest in a healthy lifestyle to take the plunge. Do your research. Definitely invest in a nutritionist or coach who can walk you through this stuff. It’s easier when you have someone who you can talk to and can help sift through some of the things that you are going through.  It’s not easy, but it’s well worth it.

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