Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hershey's Fabulous Desserts: Exit Summary

Before I give my thoughts on this book, I'd like to note that I only made 9 of the 10 recipes that I promised. Reason? For the 10th recipe, I couldn't find some of the ingredients (specifically nut quick bread mix). So between that and I wanted to move on to a different cook book, I decided 9 was enough. Besides, I foresee more desserts in the future!

Ok, that being said, here's my take on this cookbook:

Pros: Most of the desserts are quick and easy. Most of them require cake mixes or bread mixes, which saves a lot of steps when you bake. Also for the most part the clean up was quick and easy. Most of the desserts turned out great. It also didn't make an overabundance of stuff, but just enough for a family.

Cons: Some of the ingredients were difficult to find or they aren't made any more (Cherry cake mix....). Sometimes quality was forfeited for easiness and convenience (in the case of the fudge).

Over all, I thought it was a good, easy mode cook book, especially for someone who is just starting to bake. It's also great for someone who is trying to throw something together at the last minute or who doesn't want to invest a lot of money into something they are making. Most of this stuff came pretty cheap.

The biggest disappointment out of what I made was the Mint and Chocolate Fudge.

The biggest success out of what I made were the cream filled cupcakes.

I think that about wraps this one up! The next cookbook is Halloween Food, Fun, and Crafts (2008).

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