Thursday, August 11, 2011

Around Harrisburg: Skatin’ through the Summer

This summer I had the opportunity to go both ice skating and roller skating with my little sister. After visiting both Twin Ponds East and Olympic Skating Center, I was really shocked at the differences between the two as far as atmosphere and experience.

I remember when I was younger, I frequented Olympic for parties (school, birthdays, etc.) and loved it. Twin Ponds I rarely went to, and frankly, wasn’t all that impressed with. I have to say, though, now my opinion is completely opposite. I was not impressed with Olympic in the slightest when I went in June. To me, the venue was reminiscent of another time, and came off extremely outdated. Typically I would find this to be very charming, and it is in its own right, but the poor attitude of the staff made it simply seem out-of-date and nothing more. I was not impressed by the way they treated their customers, especially when I got an unnecessary attitude at the door after I parked in a place that, granted, I shouldn’t have (that’s an entirely different discussion, though, that’s probably not proper here). Even when we went inside the venue, I felt extremely uncomfortable the entire time, as if I was being watched. For example, if you are thinking about going here and you are either rusty at roller-skating (like I was) or a beginner, DO NOT go here. They seem to have little to absolutely no tolerance for it, and you will be watched like a hawk the entire time in a rather condescending way. In the end the atmosphere of the place came off extremely unwelcoming. I was very disappointed. Would I go there again? I won’t say no, but I will give it a “I hope not.”

Twin Ponds, on the other hand, I love. There aren’t too many people that go there and the staff is [almost] always very friendly and encouraging. They don’t patronize you if you are a beginner at skating and the rink gives you plenty of room to get acquainted with the ice. I rarely, if ever, feel uncomfortable skating there, which allows me to get into what I’m doing. I thoroughly enjoy the experience there.

So, there you have it- ice skating 1, roller skating 0.

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