Monday, December 27, 2010

New Venture!

I remember when I was younger my mom used to take me to Jo-Ann Fabrics about a month or two before Halloween to pick out a sewing pattern for a Halloween costume. We'd get the fabric and all of the materials and I'd watch her sew my costume. She did this until I was about 9 or so. After that, sewing was pretty much out of my mind and realm of things to do.

Recently, after obsessing over certain clothing sites and not being a huge fan of their prices, I thought it would be a cool idea to learn how to sew myself, especially since it seems to be a dying art. I told my mom that I had an interest, and lo and behold she hooked me up this Christmas with a basic Christmas craft- a holiday stocking! I have to say it was a lot of fun. It got me acquainted with the sewing machine and gave me a basic idea on what it meant to actually sew. I learned that a lot of it (most of it, actually) is cutting and ironing. I'm pretty excited to start a new project soon, maybe a shirt or something.

In any case, I'll be adding sewing to this blog too. For those of you who want to learn or already know what it's about and are good at it, maybe you can follow along, give me pointers, or what have you.

Stay tuned!

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