Friday, August 20, 2010

King of Prussia

Last weekend my boyfriend and I decided to take a first time venture to K.O.P. My first take? It is HUGE. Any mall that has its own parking garage absolutely has to be a big deal. Parking wasn't too hard, although there were tons of people there (no surprise). We parked by the Lord and Taylor.

I was absolutely amazed when I got in. It was so not disappointing. I must confess, though, that I did get tired of walking. I loved how the different cafeterias had themes (Asian, Italian, etc.) and the places were actually set up like restaurants. I thought it was really cool. I loved the Coach store (surprise, surprise). I do have to warn you- be prepared to spend A LOT of money there, and not necessarily because you want to buy a lot, but because the stuff there is pretty pricey, but then again it is high-end, high-quality items, so you get good stuff for what you pay for.

I did have one bad experience while I was there. At the Lord and Taylor I saw these fab boots on our way out. I decided I wanted to try them on. Unfortunately, the only size 6 they had in that shoe was the display and one shoe was missing. The sales rep who was helping me had me and everyone else hunting around the shoe department searching for the shoe. She had a bit of an attitude while doing it, and while helping me in general, which I didn't particularly appreciate. When it was to no avail, she went to get me 6.5 size shoes after the original 6.5's she brought out were the wrong type of shoe all together. Then, she wound up not even serving me and instead gave the shoes to another sales rep to give to me while she just stood at the counter and watched. I thought it was really rude.

Other than that, my experience at the mall was great and I would DEFINITELY go again!

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