Friday, August 20, 2010


While I was at King of Prussia, I wound up buying a bonsai plant. Odd, I know, but I'm a sucker for rescuing plants. I was pretty skeptical that I could take care of the plant when I first got it since my dad had them before and always killed them (plant murderer!). However, I thought I'd give it a whirl.

My take so far? It's been fun. I love to garden, so loving it hasn't been hard. However, it is a bit on the picky side, which I knew going into it. I put it in my room away from the air conditioner and in the back of my room where when I open the blinds it still get sunlight, but not a ton of it (the flyer that I was given when I bought it said it survives best in indirect light). Also, I "mist" it every day- once in the morning and once at night, and I have soaked it in water for 5 minutes once this week. So far so good! It makes for a great decoration in my room too.

All in all, I absolutely love it, I just hope it lives!

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