Saturday, May 1, 2010

Travel Time: Media

Media, PA that is. First impression? What a swanky place. Seriously. It's pretty awesome.

Located in Southeastern PA, the small town of Media is clean, modern, and healthy. The courthouse is clearly the focal point and the life of the place. Located in the center of Media, it even has a popular hot dog cart in the front, which serves hot dogs, hot sausages, fruit bowls, small veggie trays, soft pretzels, etc. It is clearly a very popular lunch location seeing as how convenient it is for courthouse workers. When I was there, it had a constant stream of customers. I tried it as well (hot dog with hot mustard and a Snapple iced tea), and was not disappointed. It wasn't the best hot dog I've ever had, however, I thought it was pretty cool that you could order it and they put all the fixings on it that you ask for and then you can go to a nearby bench and sit down and enjoy. Loved it.

The main street in Media is also pretty cool. It is small-stretches about 8 blocks or so, however, it has a grand array of locally owned shops and restaurants. It had shops from Ten Thousand Villages to the Hallmark store to a locally owned art store that sold art supplies and paintings as well as several locally owned clothing stores. The restaurants were also so cool. There was this salad and tea cafe called Lotus, which I thought was awesome. They had a lot of other salad bars too. There were also A LOT of Thai, Indian, and Chinese food that didn't seem to be your typical trashy Thai, Indian, and Chinese places. One of them touted their special noodle soup and offered vegetarian dishes, while another place served a combo Thai/French cuisine (I think the restaurant was called La Na). My impression is that the people in this town are health conscious. All of the restaurants seemed pretty classy as well.

What was interesting was how much the courthouse was the center of the town. Lawyers were everywhere, and there was also signs outside of restaurants that read, "10% off for jurors".

All in all, I thought Media was a pretty awesome place. Small town feel with a modern flare. Loved it.

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