Saturday, August 4, 2012

Month of Zen Concluded

This month has by far helped me to re-acquaint myself with the foundations of Buddhism.  Rodney Smith provided deep lessons and several takeaways that I think will aid me on my path toward a more connected and enlightened life (I highly recommend the book- Stepping out of Self-Deception).

This next month I will be focusing my attention on sewing and absorbing my lessons I just learned.  I simply think it's pertinent to give myself an opportunity find my own way without having to be constantly guided.  Of course, I'm sure that by the time the month is over my sense-of-self will have taken over and all of the lessons I just learned will be skewed. At least I tried.

So! First up will be to finish the tank top that I posted a picture of a couple of months ago (it was only half completed).  All it needs now is a zipper and few touch ups and it is set to go.  Pictures to come!!


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