Monday, August 27, 2012

August: Month in Review

Well, I didn't get around to sewing as much as I wanted, but I did want to share that I finally ended the project that I started in March. Let me just say that it was not a "simple sew" project as the pattern had stated.  Simple sew perhaps for folks who know what they are doing, but not for beginners.  Nonetheless I am still proud for having finished it.

It has its fair share of mistakes, but over all I'm very proud.  I still intend to start and finish another sewing project; although, I doubt that it will be finished by the end of this week.

In other news, my month of reflection after my Buddhist-intensive month has also been less successful than I wanted it to be. I simply have not had the time to meditate as often as I would like and I have found that my sense of self has gotten a bit out of hand lately.

Next month's theme will most likely go back to one of a spiritual nature while October will focus on cooking.  More to come...

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