Sunday, February 28, 2010
I went shopping in New York....&co.
First of all, I LOVE New York and Company. I love the clothes like nobody's business, and since I was in need of some office clothes and NY&Co has some good business casual items I decided to venture on over and see what they had to offer.
My impression? WTF?!
Pros: The displays were phenomenal (as always), giving me some great ideas, and the clothes were trendy and classy (as always).
Cons: This is where this particular shopping experience differs from all of the others. I went to try on some (ok, a lot) of clothes. The one thing I hate about this store is that the sizes are in even numbers and sometimes if I pick my size, the clothes still don't fit right, so it's always good to try the things on first (but then again, that's clothes shopping 101). One of the sales reps asked if she could hold a fitting room for me. I let her take my clothes while I shopped around. No problems. I went back in the fitting room when I was done and was asked if I would be interested in opening a NY&Co charge card (I'd save 20%, yadda, yadda, yadda). I respectfully declined. I did my thing, tried on my clothes, and filtered out the good ones and the bad. When I came out I was asked (again) if I would like to open a charge card. Once again, I respectfully declined. As I was walking out I noticed there was a sale on dress pants (buy one get one free). I decided to look some more, found a couple and went back to try them on. I was cringing the entire way there hoping I wouldn't be asked about the stupid charge card...AGAIN. I had a fitting room opened for me, charge card mention-free, and did my thing. When I came out, the same sales rep who had already asked me twice asked me a THIRD time. This is where I really started to get peeved. First of all, if I said no the first two times, I'm not gonna say yes the third. I don't believe in spending more than I have, which takes away my need for a charge card. Quite simply, if I couldn't afford the clothes, I wouldn't be buying them. I found it insulting because I had to wonder if it looked like I just couldn't afford the clothes. I find that extremely offensive. Then, after declining for a third time I went up to the register to pay, where I was pitched to for a FOURTH time. I told the woman, "No" and that I had already been asked three times. She continued to pitch me the same "you'll save 20%!" offer. I told her again "No" but much much much more sternly. Finally, it was dropped.
This experience really discouraged me. I am not interested in being harassed to sign up for a charge card that I don't want. I find it offensive when I'm asked several times because it makes me feel like they are implying I can't pay for the merch. As I said before- if I can't pay for it, I don't buy it. Simple. I don't want the stupid charge card. All I wanted was the clothes. Hassle-free. After that experience I will be staying out of that store for awhile.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Runnin' on Dunkin!
Second thing about Dunkin Donuts-I love their lunch sandwiches! For anyone that knows me, they know I kind of have a thing for trashy food. I will sacrifice "healthy" for taste (at least until a doctor tells me otherwise, ha!) more often than I probably should. That being said, I was told that the Dunkin Donuts flatbread sandwiches were pretty good, so I decided to indulge. I bought the Turkey, Bacon, Cheddar. First, it is in the shape of a triangle and it is in a convenient size so you can hold it in your hand without it falling all over the place or being too much of an inconvenience. I feel like it's kind of Dunkin Donuts' answer to 7-11's taquitos. At any rate, I'm not usually a fan of turkey, but I have to say this was delicious! I was concerned the cheese would taste really fake and gross, but it turned out to be pretty good. Once again, it was definitely better quality than I anticipated for cheap. The only downside? The size. I'm pretty petite (surprisingly!) and I felt like I should have had two for lunch instead of one. If you get one, it's more of a snack than a lunch. Other than that I thought it was really, really good!
Bravo, Dunkin, bravo!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Recipe: Pepper Jack Cheesy Mac

A couple of weeks ago I was sifting through the Sunday paper's coupons and came across the recipe for Pepper Jack Cheesy Mac, which was provided by the Carnation company. I put it aside thinking to myself, "Well, I love mac and cheese and I love pepper jack cheese, so why not?". Today the creation was made, and here is my first impression:
First impression: Not bad.
Pros: Well, if you like spicy food (which I occasionally do), this is pretty good. The pepper jack cheese itself was spicy and then I put on 1/2 tsp of crushed red pepper on the top, which gave it an extra kick. My family, who are less into spicy food than I am, thought it was a little too hot. I thought it was pretty good. I used Cabot Pepper Jack Cheese and Cabot Cheddar Cheese (both can be obtained at Costco). You can taste the distinct flavors of the cheddar and pepper jack, which makes the dish particularly catchy. I didn't think I would like the tortilla chips on top, and actually considered skipping it, but I think it added to it, and wound up really enjoying it.
Cons: I think it still need a little punch. Not a spicy punch, but it was a little bland for me. I think it actually had to do with the evaporated milk. I think next time instead of the evaporated milk I'm going to substitute it for some heavy cream and regular milk and see what happens. However, the evaporated milk still wasn't terrible but if I could substitute it for something better I would. In other words I still wouldn't be embarrassed to serve it at a party if it had the evaporated milk in it.
Over all, I enjoyed it. I think it's perfect for a party, especially a Super Bowl party or BBQ. I definitely would keep this recipe in mind for the future. Below is the actual recipe:
Pepper Jack Cheesy Mac
PREHEAT oven to 350° F. Lightly grease 2 1/2-quart casserole dish.
COOK macaroni in large saucepan according to package directions; drain. Return to saucepan.
ADD cheddar cheese, 1 1/2 cups Pepper Jack cheese, evaporated milk and black pepper to macaroni; stir until combined. Pour into prepared casserole dish. Combine remaining 1/2 cup Pepper Jack cheese, tortilla chips and red pepper flakes in small bowl. Sprinkle over top. Cover tightly with foil.
BAKE for 20 minutes. Uncover; bake for an additional 10 minutes or until lightly browned.
Recipe and photo obtained at:
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sparkly Vampires
First Impression: Not my favorite.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Let it Snow!
Broadstreet Market
My take?
I'm happy that action is being taken for the sake of public health, however, if the rumors are correct, I don't support why the inspection was taken in the first place.
Rumor has it that the Mayor of Harrisburg, Linda Thompson, is looking to sell the market. I am TOTALLY against this. The Broadstreet Market is one of the best points of Harrisburg. It is made up of two buildings, one is for food vendors and one is for other vendors (jewelry, clothes, dolls, some produce, baked goods). In the first building, there are all sorts of vendors with all sorts of food- Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, fish, some baked goods in there as well, candy. They have a sit down place in the middle where you can buy your food and eat it there. Essentially it is like a cafeteria. My dad used to (and still does I think) buy fresh fish from there. It is delicious. I remember as a kid going there every Christmas Eve and while my dad would buy fish for the fish fry that night, I would peruse the candy stand and pick out a few things I wanted and my dad would let me get them. I remember usually walking out with a brand new set of waxed lips :).
At any rate, the second building is made up of all sorts of local vendors. They sell jewelry, antiques, produce, baked goods, clothing, etc. Essentially the second building is like a flea market. It is a good way to support the local economy.
The Broadstreet Market has been a defining point of Harrisburg for years, and to have it be sold for some other use is outrageous. Granted, it has gone down a little in recent years, but I think that's all the more reason to use this inspection to clean it up and make it more appetizing for people to come and enjoy what the local vendors have to offer. I hate to see something that is so unique, defining, and generally good about the city get handed off.
My conclusion- If the rumors are correct and Linda Thompson is going to sell the market, I suggest you hit up the Broadstreet Market before it goes up for sale, just to get the experience in, especially if you've never been there before. I know I will once it opens up again.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Here's the link to the article that was the basis of this post:
Some Canadian Influence
I highly recommend his blog for witty jokes, TV/movie reviews, and his own general rants. It is extremely enjoyable and entertaining, and since Anth is one of the kindest and most knowledgeable people I know, I am 100% certain that everything he says comes with good intentions and a positive place. So, please, I encourage you to indulge. Link is below.
A Taste of Korea
My favorite part of the dinner, though is the appetizers they serve. I am in love with the bean sprouts. They are covered in this sauce and scallions, and they taste amazing. I can't ever get enough of them. They also serve kim-chi, some zucchini with some somewhat spicy sauce, some potatoes in some sweet sauce, amongst other things. The best part is they sell all of their appetizers for take home if you want them. Needless to say we definitely bought a container of beansprouts on our way out, but unfortunately I left them at his house when I left this morning. How depressing! Ha-ha!
My over all take? I definitely recommend it. It is a little pricey, but it's worth it if you're looking for Asian food that's different from your regular Chinese or Japanese.
Good Day!
Coldeeze. Great product. It has kind of a gross cherry flavor, but you can't beat results. Like I stated above, it is basically a zinc supplement made to give your immune system a big boost. They tell you to take it right at the onset of your symptoms (within 24-48 hours). However, I've found that you can pretty well take it whenever during a cold and experience fabulous results. It's a lozenge about the size of a cough drop. I suggest the cherry flavor over the citrus. The citrus is pretty gross from what I remember. I took one today before lunch when I started to feel a little poorly and thought I could use an extra something. I felt great afterward. I highly recommend it.
So all in all between that and the Neti pot, I got through my cold (so far) in record time and without taking any sort of real medication. Yay for natural alternatives!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Work it, work it!!!
For those of you who know me (and now for those of you who don't), I used to HATE exercising. In fact people would suggest that I go running with them or running period, and my response would be, "Yea, I don't do that."
Well, in an effort to get healthy, I signed up for the gym last month, and am currently an active member at Snap Fitness. I love it. Exercising has really improved my life. Not only am I getting thinner, but I am also in much better shape, have a bit more energy, and even my mood is better.
The gym I go to is wonderful too. It is open 24/7 and it has easy to use machinery (directions are even posted on the machines!). The machines are adjustable to fit my height, which is amazing since I'm pretty short. There aren't that many people there at one time so there is rarely (if ever) a wait for anything. I love it. The only downside is the place doesn't have any showers, but it does have large bathrooms in case you need to change. For $40 a month it is definitely worth it for me.
First impression of exercising/Snap Fitness: Fab
Pandora's Music Box
My take?
Pros: You can come up with several different stations with different music types on each. I love the songs that it plays. It doesn't just play the hits. It plays any song on any given album. For example, I typed in Jason Mraz. It started off with the hits, but eventually it played songs like "Sleep All Day," which was not a hit on the radio. Definitely a plus.
Cons: It takes awhile before you can listen to it without "thumbs down"-ing everything or anything for that matter. It took a couple of days of harsh criticism before I could listen to it for an hour straight with no complaints. Also, you only get but so many times that you can skip a song, which was a real bummer when I was going through my first couple of days and I hated some of the stuff that it played. When I ran out of skips I was forced to listen to some of the weird music it would play for me. I suppose though that's why they customize it so much, so you don't waste all your skips right away later on.
Over all, I really like the program. It plays music that I actually like and it really mixes things up nicely. Definitely something to keep in mind.
First impression: Pretty swanky
A little lesson in preventative medicine

This cold/flu season I've generally managed to stay healthy. Some have wondered how. Well the secret is about to be revealed.
Behold, the Neti Pot. It has to be the most wonderful creation in preventative medicine.
How it works: It's pretty gross actually. Neilmed has a whole kit available. They have pre-made packets of salt and baking soda. In case you didn't know, salt has natural healing properties when it comes to your lungs and breathing. At any rate, you mix a packet of the salt with some water, filling the pot. Then, you tilt your head to one side and pour the water in one nostril until it comes out the other. Usually, I let it go a couple of seconds, stop, and then snot the rest of it out (I told you it would be gross!).
My take on the product:
Pros: Absolutely works. Not only does it work when you have a cold or feel you are going to have a cold coming on (it gets all of the germs out of your nose/sinuses), but it works great for allergies and preventing colds all together. It's 100% natural, so no hit on your immune system, and you breathe SO much better afterward. You can definitely tell when you haven't used it in a little while.
Cons: Well, it's gross. However, considering its effectiveness it doesn't even matter. The point is it works, and it works great.
So, first impression? AMAZING.
Margarita, anyone?

As I passed by my bathroom, I was caught by the tropical smell of my brand new Bath and Body Works Wallflower- Island Margarita. I bought it last month at the semi-annual sale, and I was told by my co workers at the time that it was a new scent. I liked how the candle version smelled so I decided to indulge.
After running out of the "Sensual Amber" scent (which is amazing) a couple of days ago, I decided to take the plunge and try it out. My take:
Pros: First of all, I love me some wallflowers. I think they are quite possibly the best room plug ins. They disperse the scent and it's strong enough that your room smells amazing, but not so strong that it makes you sick. But back to the topic at hand. It does just what I described- fills my bathroom (and hallway) with a tropical-type fruit scent--kind of pineapple, kind of mango.
Cons: I'm not in love with the smell. I don't particularly like tropical fruit smells/tastes to begin with, but not being a fan to start, I suppose it does a fair job in that I don't hate it. That being said, it certainly is not my favorite.
All in all, I'll stick out the month that it has to live in my electrical socket. I can't say that I'll be crazy about it, and perhaps may often think, "I can't wait to put a new scent up there." But I'll take it.
First impression: eh...
So here's the "Schtick"

Monday, February 1, 2010
Got Fruit?

Cliche, I know- but it's my first real post, so give me a break!
Ok, so this one's relatively new. During one of my jaunts to the grocery store within the past week or two, I came across a product called "Fruit 2day". It is a fruit drink with fruit bits in it. 100% fruit, equivalent to 2 servings. I don't know about you, but I'm a maniac when it comes to fruit juice. If it's not 100% juice (no sugar or any other variant), I don't want it.
I was pretty skeptical at first (I mean, who puts chunks of fruit in your drink?), but I was feeling adventurous and got 2 flavors- Cherry Grape and Mango Peach. I eagerly got home and cracked one of the Cherry Grapes open. It was amazing. One of the best fruit drinks I've ever had in my life. The fruit bits make the drink. It's not too thick and it doesn't have the texture of puree, which is good because with the bits of fruit in it, I don't want my drink having the texture of vomit. The flavor is slightly tangy, but sweet enough that you won't pucker your lips after you take a sip, haha.
After trying both flavors I recommend the Mango Peach over the Cherry Grape. The former has bits of peach and the latter has bits of pear in it. I prefer peaches. I tried the Pineapple Banana today. I was also skeptical (I'm not that much into tropical flavors), but I wound up loving it. I think it's really hard to go wrong with this product. I personally find it to be great for a snack or breakfast.
Is there a downside? Yes. Two, actually. The first- they only come 2 in a pack (as far as I've seen). The second-they are a little on the pricey side. I think it was over $2.50, if not $3.00 for a pack. However, I definitely thought it was worth it.
First Impression: Fab!
Ok, so that was my first review. Hope you enjoyed it! :)
Photo source:
Why I'm Starting This...
I wanted to start my first post off by establishing why I am starting this blog and what its contents will be. Below are my reasons:
1) Tweets. I realized about a week ago that there was really no purpose in me using twitter, and most of my posts are about food or some variant of it. Then it hit me (WHAM!)-- I think I'll start a blog about food, and my opinion of some of the things I eat. Plus, maybe it'll get me cooking again ;).
2) Boredom. Quite frankly, I get bored of my life being all about work and relationships. I want something more. I guess take this as my new hobby.
Ok, so I guess those are really my main two reasons. So, what is this going to be about, exactly? Well, I've decided that I'm going to make a blog about my first impressions on (almost) anything new I try- food, clothes, books, articles, music, etc. I love trying new things, so why not share how I feel about them?
Well, I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your feedback! I'd like to hear what your first impressions are too!