Saturday, April 3, 2010

Her name was Lola, she was a show girl...

Product: Lola by Marc Jacobs

My Experience: "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets....I'm irresistible you fool, Give in!" This perfume matches the song in that it is truly irresistible. A scent card came in the mail about a month ago and I found myself smelling it every time I came near it. Last week, I finally caved in and decided to venture to the mall and see if this perfume was really that irresistible.

After going to 2 department stores (Sears, which didn't have it, and Bon-Ton, which had it but there was no tester and the sales reps were particularly unattentive), I decided to go to Boscov's. I found the tester, sprayed it on myself and at first was disappointed. I thought that it smelled a little too old for me, even a little old-ladyish. A little distraught, I left the store and started heading to my car. However, a little miracle happened along the way. The scent changed! It became young, vibrant, irresistible! I couldn't stop smelling it! By the time I reached my car I had fallen in love with it and had to have it. I marched back in the store and bought it (and may have started a chain reaction since everyone else who was around the perfume wanted to try it too). It was a little pricey-$65 for the smallest bottle, $85 for the largest, however, I have to say, it is that addictive and totally worth it. I'm not sure what's in it, but there's a certain scent that just keeps you coming back.

Lola, if what you were aiming for was my heart and soul, well you got it...and my money too, hahaha.

My first impression: AMAZING!

Not-so-scrubbing Bubbles

So, I've decided to take a couple of minutes today and write a couple of entries-one about something I dislike and one about something that I like. Well, here it goes!
Product: Scrubbing Bubbles' Toilet Cleaning Gel
My Experience: Well, a few weeks ago, my mom had bought this to try since she was trying to do away with the traditional Clorox tablets we usually use. I finally got around to using it about 2 weeks ago. After two weeks, here is my take: it sucks.
For starters- it doesn't clean! The Clorox tablet that we traditionally use was great at keeping the bowl clean. Every now and then you had to go through and quick clean it, but over all it was really great at doing its job. However, Scrubbing Bubbles fails me on this end. After two weeks, my toilet bowl looks horrible and it just does not keep things clean.
Also, I was kind of surprised at how you use the product and the size of it. Usually tablets are a pretty big round disk. This is a subtle, small, clear round gel that you stamp on the side of the bowl. The applicator has stopping niches to indicate when you stop applying the gel. Perhaps because it is so small is the reason why it doesn't work.
The only thing that I will say about this product is that it is a great deodorizer. Every time you flush it gives you a nice fresh scent. Also you can't really notice it in the bowl visually. Other than those, I think they are the only pros to this product.
I would not recommend it and will most definitely be breaking out the Clorox tablets again.
My first impression: Horrible